RIMMF relies on the RDA Registry for its language data.
We periodically poll the RDA Registry from our server, and prepare a package of all triples that contain language data (by language data, we mean a triple that contains a language tag. For example: @en).
So, when you press the 'Update language data' button in the program language options, RIMMF checks our server for this language package, fetches it, and re-calculates the list of languages available. All of this takes only a few seconds.
Once complete, clicking on the down arrow in the list of available languages will display updated results.
The statistics that follow are based on RDA Registry version 2.7.1
The screenshot above is an example only; it may not reflect the available languages, etc., in the current version of RIMMF.
The numbers displayed in the RIMMF menu simply count the number of elements and vocabulary items that are tagged with that language code. So, in the screenshot above, all we can say is that there are x items in the registry that are tagged with 'fr'.
The purpose of the rest of this page is to present more detailed statistics on language availability. If instead you want to learn how language support works in RIMMF, visit this page.
Separate blocks of statistics are provided for the element sets and the value vocabularies; within each block are three sections:
The numbers below filter out some of the data that is available in a complete registry download. We do not look at:
In addition, the most detailed breakdowns below (labeled 'Language triples by class by property') look at only three properties: labels, definitions, and scopenotes.
Language codes
Language codes are 2-letter codes based on ISO 639-1. Codes currently in use are:
ar Arabic ca Catalan da Danish de German el Greek (Modern) en English es Spanish fi Finnish fr French he Hebrew it Italian nl Dutch no Norwegian sv Swedish vi Vietnamese zh Chinese
The first block simply counts how many element set triples in the registry download are tagged with '@', and what those lang codes are.
Triples with language tags -------------------------- en: 9136 da: 6525 de: 4913 vi: 4799 fr: 3947 el: 3265 es: 1960 sv: 610 nl: 561 fi: 68 it: 45
The next block is more interesting. It breaks down the above raw totals for elements by class or RDA entity (a: Agent, c: Class, e: Expression, i: Item, m: Manifestation, n: Nomen, p: Place, t: Timespan, w: Work, x: RDA Entity).
Language triples by class ------------------------- Elements/a/: en: 1756 Elements/a/: da: 1748 Elements/a/: el: 1743 Elements/a/: de: 1246 Elements/a/: fr: 1006 Elements/a/: es: 187 Elements/a/: sv: 84 Elements/c/: en: 70 Elements/c/: fi: 68 Elements/c/: el: 68 Elements/c/: vi: 65 Elements/c/: nl: 65 Elements/c/: da: 65 Elements/c/: de: 47 Elements/c/: it: 45 Elements/c/: fr: 32 Elements/c/: es: 32 Elements/c/: sv: 12 Elements/e/: en: 1467 Elements/e/: da: 1461 Elements/e/: vi: 1457 Elements/e/: el: 1454 Elements/e/: de: 1144 Elements/e/: fr: 982 Elements/e/: es: 532 Elements/e/: sv: 74 Elements/i/: en: 333 Elements/i/: vi: 330 Elements/i/: da: 330 Elements/i/: de: 232 Elements/i/: fr: 229 Elements/i/: es: 114 Elements/i/: sv: 26 Elements/m/: en: 1279 Elements/m/: vi: 1240 Elements/m/: da: 1237 Elements/m/: de: 962 Elements/m/: fr: 861 Elements/m/: es: 498 Elements/m/: nl: 496 Elements/m/: sv: 354 Elements/n/: en: 44 Elements/p/: en: 60 Elements/p/: vi: 58 Elements/p/: da: 57 Elements/p/: de: 13 Elements/t/: en: 44 Elements/w/: vi: 1649 Elements/w/: en: 1633 Elements/w/: da: 1627 Elements/w/: de: 1269 Elements/w/: fr: 829 Elements/w/: es: 590 Elements/w/: sv: 54 Elements/x/: en: 64 Elements/x/: fr: 8 Elements/x/: es: 7 Elements/x/: sv: 6
The third blocks gets into the details. Here we focus on the number of labels, definitions, and scopenotes available in each element set for each language:
Language triples by class by property ------------------------------------- Elements/a/: en: toolkitLabel: 304 Elements/a/: en: toolkitDefinition: 304 Elements/a/: el: toolkitLabel: 304 Elements/a/: el: toolkitDefinition: 304 Elements/a/: de: toolkitLabel: 304 Elements/a/: de: toolkitDefinition: 304 Elements/a/: da: toolkitLabel: 304 Elements/a/: da: toolkitDefinition: 304 Elements/a/: fr: toolkitLabel: 247 Elements/a/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 247 Elements/a/: es: toolkitLabel: 95 Elements/a/: es: toolkitDefinition: 92 Elements/a/: sv: toolkitLabel: 42 Elements/a/: de: core#scopeNote: 30 Elements/a/: en: core#scopeNote: 29 Elements/a/: da: core#scopeNote: 27 Elements/a/: el: core#scopeNote: 22 Elements/a/: fr: core#scopeNote: 18 Elements/c/: vi: toolkitLabel: 13 Elements/c/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 13 Elements/c/: nl: toolkitLabel: 13 Elements/c/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 13 Elements/c/: fi: toolkitLabel: 13 Elements/c/: fi: toolkitDefinition: 13 Elements/c/: en: toolkitLabel: 13 Elements/c/: en: toolkitDefinition: 13 Elements/c/: el: toolkitLabel: 13 Elements/c/: el: toolkitDefinition: 13 Elements/c/: da: toolkitLabel: 13 Elements/c/: da: toolkitDefinition: 13 Elements/c/: de: toolkitDefinition: 10 Elements/c/: it: toolkitLabel: 9 Elements/c/: it: toolkitDefinition: 9 Elements/c/: de: toolkitLabel: 9 Elements/c/: fr: toolkitLabel: 8 Elements/c/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 8 Elements/c/: es: toolkitLabel: 8 Elements/c/: es: toolkitDefinition: 8 Elements/c/: sv: toolkitLabel: 6 Elements/c/: fi: core#scopeNote: 3 Elements/c/: en: core#scopeNote: 3 Elements/c/: el: core#scopeNote: 3 Elements/e/: da: toolkitLabel: 278 Elements/e/: da: toolkitDefinition: 278 Elements/e/: vi: toolkitLabel: 277 Elements/e/: en: toolkitLabel: 277 Elements/e/: en: toolkitDefinition: 277 Elements/e/: de: toolkitLabel: 277 Elements/e/: de: toolkitDefinition: 277 Elements/e/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 276 Elements/e/: el: toolkitLabel: 276 Elements/e/: el: toolkitDefinition: 276 Elements/e/: es: toolkitLabel: 266 Elements/e/: es: toolkitDefinition: 266 Elements/e/: fr: toolkitLabel: 245 Elements/e/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 245 Elements/e/: sv: toolkitLabel: 37 Elements/e/: en: core#scopeNote: 36 Elements/e/: de: core#scopeNote: 36 Elements/e/: da: core#scopeNote: 36 Elements/e/: vi: core#scopeNote: 35 Elements/e/: el: core#scopeNote: 35 Elements/i/: vi: toolkitLabel: 58 Elements/i/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 58 Elements/i/: en: toolkitLabel: 58 Elements/i/: en: toolkitDefinition: 58 Elements/i/: de: toolkitLabel: 58 Elements/i/: de: toolkitDefinition: 58 Elements/i/: da: toolkitLabel: 58 Elements/i/: da: toolkitDefinition: 58 Elements/i/: fr: toolkitLabel: 57 Elements/i/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 57 Elements/i/: es: toolkitLabel: 57 Elements/i/: es: toolkitDefinition: 57 Elements/i/: sv: toolkitLabel: 13 Elements/i/: vi: core#scopeNote: 1 Elements/i/: fr: core#scopeNote: 1 Elements/i/: en: core#scopeNote: 1 Elements/i/: de: core#scopeNote: 1 Elements/i/: da: core#scopeNote: 1 Elements/m/: es: toolkitLabel: 249 Elements/m/: es: toolkitDefinition: 249 Elements/m/: en: toolkitLabel: 247 Elements/m/: vi: toolkitLabel: 236 Elements/m/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 236 Elements/m/: nl: toolkitLabel: 236 Elements/m/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 236 Elements/m/: en: toolkitDefinition: 236 Elements/m/: de: toolkitLabel: 235 Elements/m/: de: toolkitDefinition: 235 Elements/m/: da: toolkitLabel: 235 Elements/m/: da: toolkitDefinition: 235 Elements/m/: fr: toolkitLabel: 212 Elements/m/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 212 Elements/m/: sv: toolkitLabel: 177 Elements/m/: vi: core#scopeNote: 24 Elements/m/: nl: core#scopeNote: 24 Elements/m/: en: core#scopeNote: 24 Elements/m/: de: core#scopeNote: 24 Elements/m/: da: core#scopeNote: 23 Elements/m/: fr: core#scopeNote: 13 Elements/p/: vi: toolkitLabel: 3 Elements/p/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 3 Elements/p/: en: toolkitLabel: 3 Elements/p/: en: toolkitDefinition: 3 Elements/p/: de: toolkitLabel: 3 Elements/p/: de: toolkitDefinition: 3 Elements/p/: da: toolkitLabel: 3 Elements/p/: da: toolkitDefinition: 3 Elements/p/: vi: core#scopeNote: 1 Elements/p/: en: core#scopeNote: 1 Elements/p/: de: core#scopeNote: 1 Elements/w/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 326 Elements/w/: vi: toolkitLabel: 308 Elements/w/: de: toolkitLabel: 308 Elements/w/: de: toolkitDefinition: 308 Elements/w/: da: toolkitLabel: 308 Elements/w/: da: toolkitDefinition: 308 Elements/w/: en: toolkitLabel: 307 Elements/w/: en: toolkitDefinition: 307 Elements/w/: es: toolkitLabel: 295 Elements/w/: es: toolkitDefinition: 295 Elements/w/: fr: toolkitLabel: 275 Elements/w/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 275 Elements/w/: vi: core#scopeNote: 37 Elements/w/: en: core#scopeNote: 37 Elements/w/: de: core#scopeNote: 37 Elements/w/: da: core#scopeNote: 34 Elements/w/: sv: toolkitLabel: 27 Elements/w/: fr: core#scopeNote: 3 Elements/x/: en: toolkitLabel: 10 Elements/x/: en: toolkitDefinition: 10 Elements/x/: fr: toolkitLabel: 7 Elements/x/: es: toolkitLabel: 7 Elements/x/: sv: toolkitLabel: 3
This section repeats the above three breakdowns for the value vocabularies. Because there are more vocabularies than element sets, and because the vocabularies are more widely translated, this section is quite a bit larger than that for the elements.
The first block simply counts how many vocabulary triples in the registry download are tagged with '@', and what those lang codes are.
Triples with language tags -------------------------- en: 3242 de: 2435 fr: 1171 es: 1135 zh: 1094 nl: 881 it: 867 vi: 835 da: 828 ca: 495 fi: 476 sv: 368 he: 110 ar: 108 no: 12
The next block breaks down the above raw totals for vocabulary values by the individual vocabularies. Here one can quickly find out if a vocabulary has been translated in a given language.
Language triples by class ------------------------- termList/AspectRatio/: vi: 14 termList/AspectRatio/: en: 14 termList/AspectRatio/: zh: 12 termList/AspectRatio/: no: 12 termList/AspectRatio/: nl: 12 termList/AspectRatio/: fr: 12 termList/AspectRatio/: es: 12 termList/AspectRatio/: de: 12 termList/AspectRatio/: da: 12 termList/AspectRatio/: ca: 12 termList/AspectRatio/: sv: 6 termList/AspectRatio/: it: 6 termList/AspectRatio/: fi: 6 termList/baseMicro/: en: 8 termList/bookFormat/: de: 86 termList/bookFormat/: en: 83 termList/bookFormat/: vi: 75 termList/bookFormat/: ca: 74 termList/bookFormat/: da: 64 termList/bookFormat/: zh: 45 termList/bookFormat/: fr: 45 termList/bookFormat/: es: 44 termList/bookFormat/: nl: 36 termList/bookFormat/: it: 18 termList/bookFormat/: fi: 18 termList/broadcastStand/: vi: 16 termList/broadcastStand/: en: 16 termList/broadcastStand/: de: 16 termList/broadcastStand/: da: 16 termList/broadcastStand/: ca: 16 termList/Choruses/: en: 5 termListl3D/: en: 1 termList/CollTitle/: es: 41 termList/CollTitle/: zh: 40 termList/CollTitle/: vi: 40 termList/CollTitle/: nl: 40 termList/CollTitle/: en: 40 termList/CollTitle/: de: 40 termList/CollTitle/: da: 40 termList/CollTitle/: fr: 32 termList/CollTitle/: fi: 20 termList/CollTitle/: sv: 16 termList/CollTitle/: it: 16 termList/colMovingImage/: en: 5 termList/colStillImage/: en: 6 termList/configPlayback/: vi: 16 termList/configPlayback/: en: 16 termList/configPlayback/: de: 16 termList/configPlayback/: da: 16 termList/configPlayback/: it: 8 termList/configPlayback/: fr: 8 termList/configPlayback/: fi: 8 termList/configPlayback/: es: 8 termList/digiRepCarto/: en: 8 termList/distCharMusical/: en: 10 termList/distCharReligious/: en: 3 termList/emulsionMicro/: en: 7 termList/emulsionMicro/: de: 7 termList/emulsionMicro/: es: 6 termList/emulsionMicro/: fr: 4 termList/encFormat/: en: 50 termList/extent/: en: 200 termList/extentCarto/: en: 38 termList/extentImage/: en: 98 termList/extentText/: en: 20 termList/extentThreeDim/: en: 16 termList/extentNoteMus/: en: 26 termList/extenttNoteMus/: en: 26 termList/fileType/: vi: 24 termList/fileType/: en: 24 termList/fileType/: de: 24 termList/fileType/: da: 24 termList/fileType/: it: 12 termList/fileType/: fr: 12 termList/fileType/: fi: 12 termList/fileType/: es: 12 termList/fontSize/: de: 15 termList/fontSize/: es: 14 termList/fontSize/: en: 14 termList/fontSize/: zh: 13 termList/fontSize/: vi: 13 termList/fontSize/: da: 13 termList/fontSize/: nl: 12 termList/fontSize/: fr: 9 termList/fontSize/: it: 6 termList/fontSize/: fi: 6 termList/fontSize/: sv: 4 termList/fontSize/: ar: 3 termList/formatNoteMus/: en: 52 termList/formatNoteMus/: es: 49 termList/formatNoteMus/: zh: 48 termList/formatNoteMus/: de: 48 termList/formatNoteMus/: fr: 47 termList/formatNoteMus/: da: 47 termList/formatNoteMus/: nl: 45 termList/formatNoteMus/: it: 22 termList/formatNoteMus/: sv: 18 termList/frequency/: zh: 66 termList/frequency/: fr: 65 termList/frequency/: es: 65 termList/frequency/: en: 65 termList/frequency/: de: 65 termList/frequency/: nl: 64 termList/frequency/: da: 64 termList/frequency/: it: 32 termList/frequency/: fi: 32 termList/frequency/: sv: 30 termList/frequency/: ar: 16 termList/genAudio/: en: 16 termList/gender/: zh: 12 termList/gender/: fr: 12 termList/gender/: es: 12 termList/gender/: en: 12 termList/gender/: de: 6 termList/genDigital/: en: 3 termList/genMicroform/: en: 5 termList/genMoPic/: en: 5 termList/genVideo/: en: 3 termList/groovePitch/: zh: 8 termList/groovePitch/: nl: 8 termList/groovePitch/: fr: 8 termList/groovePitch/: es: 8 termList/groovePitch/: en: 8 termList/groovePitch/: de: 8 termList/groovePitch/: da: 8 termList/groovePitch/: it: 4 termList/groovePitch/: fi: 4 termList/grooveWidth/: zh: 9 termList/grooveWidth/: nl: 9 termList/grooveWidth/: fr: 9 termList/grooveWidth/: es: 9 termList/grooveWidth/: en: 9 termList/grooveWidth/: de: 9 termList/grooveWidth/: da: 9 termList/grooveWidth/: it: 4 termList/grooveWidth/: fi: 4 termList/grooveWidth/: sv: 2 termList/IllusContent/: en: 53 termList/IllusContent/: de: 49 termList/IllusContent/: da: 49 termList/InstOrch/: en: 4 termList/layout/: en: 85 termList/layout/: de: 85 termList/layout/: it: 34 termList/layoutCartoImage/: en: 4 termList/layoutTacMusic/: en: 12 termList/medPerform/: en: 43 termList/ModeIssue/: en: 20 termList/ModeIssue/: de: 20 termList/ModeIssue/: da: 20 termList/ModeIssue/: fi: 18 termList/ModeIssue/: zh: 17 termList/ModeIssue/: it: 17 termList/ModeIssue/: fr: 17 termList/ModeIssue/: es: 17 termList/ModeIssue/: sv: 8 termList/ModeIssue/: ar: 4 termList/MusNotation/: en: 39 termList/MusNotation/: da: 39 termList/MusNotation/: zh: 38 termList/MusNotation/: vi: 38 termList/MusNotation/: de: 38 termList/MusNotation/: nl: 36 termList/MusNotation/: fr: 36 termList/MusNotation/: es: 36 termList/MusNotation/: it: 18 termList/MusNotation/: fi: 18 termList/MusNotation/: sv: 16 termList/MusNotation/: ar: 9 termList/noteMove/: vi: 44 termList/noteMove/: en: 44 termList/noteMove/: de: 44 termList/noteMove/: da: 44 termList/noteMove/: zh: 40 termList/noteMove/: nl: 39 termList/noteMove/: es: 36 termList/noteMove/: fr: 35 termList/noteMove/: it: 18 termList/noteMove/: fi: 18 termList/noteMove/: sv: 10 termList/OtherCharExp/: en: 1 termList/OtherCharExpLegal/: en: 1 termList/presFormat/: en: 49 termList/presFormat/: de: 48 termList/prodManuscript/: en: 17 termList/prodTactile/: fr: 21 termList/prodTactile/: en: 20 termList/prodTactile/: es: 18 termList/prodTactile/: de: 8 termList/RDAappliedMaterial/: en: 70 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: en: 136 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: zh: 135 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: de: 94 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: fr: 48 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: es: 48 termList/RDACarrierEU/: vi: 198 termList/RDACarrierEU/: en: 198 termList/RDACarrierEU/: de: 197 termList/RDACarrierEU/: ca: 197 termList/RDACarrierType/: zh: 214 termList/RDACarrierType/: es: 211 termList/RDACarrierType/: de: 210 termList/RDACarrierType/: en: 207 termList/RDACarrierType/: vi: 198 termList/RDACarrierType/: ca: 196 termList/RDACarrierType/: nl: 192 termList/RDACarrierType/: fr: 186 termList/RDACarrierType/: sv: 92 termList/RDACarrierType/: fi: 90 termList/RDACarrierType/: it: 89 termList/RDACarrierType/: ar: 48 termList/RDACartoDT/: vi: 12 termList/RDACartoDT/: en: 12 termList/RDACartoDT/: de: 12 termList/RDACartoDT/: it: 6 termList/RDACartoDT/: fr: 6 termList/RDACartoDT/: fi: 6 termList/RDACartoDT/: es: 6 termList/RDAcolour/: en: 3 termList/RDAColourContent/: zh: 8 termList/RDAColourContent/: vi: 8 termList/RDAColourContent/: nl: 8 termList/RDAColourContent/: es: 8 termList/RDAColourContent/: en: 8 termList/RDAColourContent/: de: 8 termList/RDAColourContent/: da: 8 termList/RDAColourContent/: sv: 4 termList/RDAColourContent/: fi: 4 termList/RDAColourContent/: ar: 2 termList/RDAContentType/: en: 115 termList/RDAContentType/: es: 111 termList/RDAContentType/: vi: 110 termList/RDAContentType/: he: 110 termList/RDAContentType/: de: 110 termList/RDAContentType/: da: 110 termList/RDAContentType/: zh: 109 termList/RDAContentType/: it: 109 termList/RDAContentType/: fr: 109 termList/RDAContentType/: fi: 109 termList/RDAContentType/: nl: 93 termList/RDAContentType/: sv: 36 termList/RDAContentType/: ar: 23 termList/RDAGeneration/: de: 94 termList/RDAGeneration/: en: 91 termList/RDAMaterial/: en: 205 termList/RDAMaterial/: de: 203 termList/RDAMaterial/: zh: 133 termList/RDAMaterial/: nl: 126 termList/RDAMaterial/: sv: 52 termList/RDAMaterial/: fr: 48 termList/RDAMaterial/: es: 48 termList/RDAMediaType/: en: 39 termList/RDAMediaType/: zh: 38 termList/RDAMediaType/: it: 38 termList/RDAMediaType/: fi: 38 termList/RDAMediaType/: es: 38 termList/RDAMediaType/: de: 38 termList/RDAMediaType/: da: 38 termList/RDAMediaType/: nl: 32 termList/RDAMediaType/: fr: 30 termList/RDAMediaType/: sv: 16 termList/RDAPolarity/: zh: 12 termList/RDAPolarity/: nl: 12 termList/RDAPolarity/: fr: 12 termList/RDAPolarity/: es: 12 termList/RDAPolarity/: en: 12 termList/RDAPolarity/: de: 12 termList/RDAPolarity/: da: 12 termList/RDAPolarity/: sv: 6 termList/RDAPolarity/: it: 6 termList/RDAPolarity/: fi: 6 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: de: 86 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: en: 84 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: da: 83 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: nl: 12 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: es: 21 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: zh: 20 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: nl: 20 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: fr: 20 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: en: 20 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: de: 20 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: da: 20 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: sv: 10 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: it: 10 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: fi: 10 termList/RDARegionalEncoding/: en: 65 termList/RDARegionalEncoding/: de: 60 termList/RDATerms/: de: 461 termList/RDATerms/: en: 453 termList/RDATerms/: it: 354 termList/RDATerms/: fr: 272 termList/RDATerms/: es: 170 termList/RDATerms/: fi: 25 termList/recMedium/: zh: 12 termList/recMedium/: nl: 12 termList/recMedium/: fr: 12 termList/recMedium/: es: 12 termList/recMedium/: en: 12 termList/recMedium/: de: 12 termList/recMedium/: da: 12 termList/recMedium/: sv: 6 termList/recMedium/: it: 6 termList/recMedium/: fi: 6 termList/recMedium/: ar: 3 termList/scale/: nl: 16 termList/scale/: it: 16 termList/scale/: en: 16 termList/scale/: de: 16 termList/scale/: da: 16 termList/scale/: sv: 8 termList/SoloVoices/: en: 9 termList/soundCont/: zh: 8 termList/soundCont/: nl: 8 termList/soundCont/: fr: 8 termList/soundCont/: es: 8 termList/soundCont/: en: 8 termList/soundCont/: da: 8 termList/soundCont/: de: 6 termList/soundCont/: sv: 4 termList/specPlayback/: en: 37 termList/specPlayback/: de: 36 termList/StandCombInstr/: en: 18 termList/statIdentification/: zh: 12 termList/statIdentification/: nl: 12 termList/statIdentification/: fr: 12 termList/statIdentification/: es: 12 termList/statIdentification/: en: 12 termList/statIdentification/: de: 12 termList/statIdentification/: da: 12 termList/statIdentification/: sv: 6 termList/TacNotation/: zh: 29 termList/TacNotation/: vi: 29 termList/TacNotation/: nl: 29 termList/TacNotation/: es: 29 termList/TacNotation/: en: 29 termList/TacNotation/: fr: 28 termList/TacNotation/: de: 28 termList/TacNotation/: da: 28 termList/TacNotation/: it: 14 termList/TacNotation/: fi: 14 termList/TacNotation/: sv: 10 termList/trackConfig/: zh: 8 termList/trackConfig/: es: 8 termList/trackConfig/: en: 8 termList/trackConfig/: de: 8 termList/trackConfig/: da: 8 termList/trackConfig/: sv: 4 termList/trackConfig/: fr: 4 termList/typeRec/: zh: 8 termList/typeRec/: nl: 8 termList/typeRec/: en: 8 termList/typeRec/: de: 8 termList/typeRec/: da: 8 termList/typeRec/: es: 6 termList/typeRec/: sv: 4 termList/typeRec/: it: 4 termList/typeRec/: fr: 4 termList/typeRec/: fi: 4 termList/videoFormat/: en: 63 termList/videoFormat/: de: 60
The third block provide even more detail. Here we focus on the number of labels, definitions, and scopenotes available in each vocabulary for each language:
Language triples by class by property ------------------------------------- termList/AspectRatio/: zh: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: vi: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: sv: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: no: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: no: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: nl: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: it: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: fr: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: fi: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: es: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: es: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: en: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: en: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: de: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: de: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: da: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: da: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: ca: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/AspectRatio/: ca: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/baseMicro/: en: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/bookFormat/: vi: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/bookFormat/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 15 termList/bookFormat/: en: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/bookFormat/: en: toolkitDefinition: 15 termList/bookFormat/: de: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/bookFormat/: de: toolkitDefinition: 15 termList/bookFormat/: da: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/bookFormat/: da: toolkitDefinition: 15 termList/bookFormat/: ca: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/bookFormat/: ca: toolkitDefinition: 15 termList/bookFormat/: zh: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/bookFormat/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/bookFormat/: nl: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/bookFormat/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/bookFormat/: it: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/bookFormat/: fr: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/bookFormat/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/bookFormat/: fi: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/bookFormat/: es: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/bookFormat/: es: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/broadcastStand/: vi: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/broadcastStand/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/broadcastStand/: en: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/broadcastStand/: en: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/broadcastStand/: de: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/broadcastStand/: de: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/broadcastStand/: da: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/broadcastStand/: da: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/broadcastStand/: ca: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/broadcastStand/: ca: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/CollTitle/: zh: toolkitLabel: 10 termList/CollTitle/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 10 termList/CollTitle/: vi: toolkitLabel: 10 termList/CollTitle/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 10 termList/CollTitle/: nl: toolkitLabel: 10 termList/CollTitle/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 10 termList/CollTitle/: fi: toolkitLabel: 10 termList/CollTitle/: es: toolkitLabel: 10 termList/CollTitle/: es: toolkitDefinition: 10 termList/CollTitle/: en: toolkitLabel: 10 termList/CollTitle/: en: toolkitDefinition: 10 termList/CollTitle/: de: toolkitLabel: 10 termList/CollTitle/: de: toolkitDefinition: 10 termList/CollTitle/: da: toolkitLabel: 10 termList/CollTitle/: da: toolkitDefinition: 10 termList/CollTitle/: sv: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/CollTitle/: it: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/CollTitle/: fr: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/CollTitle/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 8 termList/configPlayback/: vi: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/configPlayback/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/configPlayback/: it: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/configPlayback/: fr: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/configPlayback/: fi: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/configPlayback/: es: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/configPlayback/: en: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/configPlayback/: en: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/configPlayback/: de: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/configPlayback/: de: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/configPlayback/: da: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/configPlayback/: da: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/extent/: en: core#scopeNote: 8 termList/extentImage/: en: toolkitLabel: 32 termList/extentImage/: en: toolkitDefinition: 17 termList/extentNoteMus/: en: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/extenttNoteMus/: en: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/fileType/: vi: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/fileType/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 6 termList/fileType/: it: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/fileType/: fr: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/fileType/: fi: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/fileType/: es: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/fileType/: en: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/fileType/: en: toolkitDefinition: 6 termList/fileType/: de: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/fileType/: de: toolkitDefinition: 6 termList/fileType/: da: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/fileType/: da: toolkitDefinition: 6 termList/fontSize/: zh: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/fontSize/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/fontSize/: vi: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/fontSize/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/fontSize/: nl: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/fontSize/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/fontSize/: it: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/fontSize/: fi: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/fontSize/: es: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/fontSize/: es: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/fontSize/: en: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/fontSize/: en: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/fontSize/: de: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/fontSize/: de: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/fontSize/: da: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/fontSize/: da: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/fontSize/: sv: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/fontSize/: fr: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/fontSize/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/formatNoteMus/: zh: toolkitLabel: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: nl: toolkitLabel: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: it: toolkitLabel: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: fr: toolkitLabel: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: es: toolkitLabel: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: es: toolkitDefinition: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: en: toolkitLabel: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: en: toolkitDefinition: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: de: toolkitLabel: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: de: toolkitDefinition: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: da: toolkitLabel: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: da: toolkitDefinition: 11 termList/formatNoteMus/: sv: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/formatNoteMus/: en: core#scopeNote: 3 termList/formatNoteMus/: de: core#scopeNote: 3 termList/formatNoteMus/: da: core#scopeNote: 3 termList/formatNoteMus/: zh: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/formatNoteMus/: fr: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/frequency/: zh: toolkitLabel: 16 termList/frequency/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 16 termList/frequency/: nl: toolkitLabel: 16 termList/frequency/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 16 termList/frequency/: it: toolkitLabel: 16 termList/frequency/: fr: toolkitLabel: 16 termList/frequency/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 16 termList/frequency/: fi: toolkitLabel: 16 termList/frequency/: es: toolkitLabel: 16 termList/frequency/: es: toolkitDefinition: 16 termList/frequency/: en: toolkitLabel: 16 termList/frequency/: en: toolkitDefinition: 16 termList/frequency/: de: toolkitLabel: 16 termList/frequency/: de: toolkitDefinition: 16 termList/frequency/: da: toolkitLabel: 16 termList/frequency/: da: toolkitDefinition: 16 termList/frequency/: sv: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/frequency/: zh: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/genAudio/: en: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/genAudio/: en: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/gender/: zh: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/gender/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/gender/: fr: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/gender/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/gender/: es: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/gender/: es: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/gender/: en: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/gender/: en: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/groovePitch/: zh: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/groovePitch/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/groovePitch/: nl: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/groovePitch/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/groovePitch/: it: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/groovePitch/: fr: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/groovePitch/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/groovePitch/: fi: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/groovePitch/: es: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/groovePitch/: es: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/groovePitch/: en: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/groovePitch/: en: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/groovePitch/: de: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/groovePitch/: de: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/groovePitch/: da: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/groovePitch/: da: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: zh: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: nl: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: it: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: fr: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: fi: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: es: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: es: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: en: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: en: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: de: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: de: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: da: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: da: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/grooveWidth/: zh: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/grooveWidth/: sv: toolkitLabel: 1 termList/grooveWidth/: nl: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/grooveWidth/: fr: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/grooveWidth/: es: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/grooveWidth/: en: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/grooveWidth/: de: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/grooveWidth/: da: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/IllusContent/: en: toolkitLabel: 13 termList/IllusContent/: en: toolkitDefinition: 12 termList/IllusContent/: de: toolkitLabel: 12 termList/IllusContent/: de: toolkitDefinition: 12 termList/IllusContent/: da: toolkitLabel: 12 termList/IllusContent/: da: toolkitDefinition: 12 termList/IllusContent/: en: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/IllusContent/: de: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/IllusContent/: da: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/InstOrch/: en: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/layout/: it: toolkitLabel: 17 termList/layout/: en: toolkitLabel: 17 termList/layout/: en: toolkitDefinition: 17 termList/layout/: en: core#scopeNote: 17 termList/layout/: de: toolkitLabel: 17 termList/layout/: de: toolkitDefinition: 17 termList/layout/: de: core#scopeNote: 17 termList/ModeIssue/: zh: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: sv: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: it: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: it: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: fr: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: fi: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: fi: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: es: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: es: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: en: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: en: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: en: core#scopeNote: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: de: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: de: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: de: core#scopeNote: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: da: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: da: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: da: core#scopeNote: 4 termList/ModeIssue/: fi: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/ModeIssue/: zh: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/ModeIssue/: it: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/ModeIssue/: fr: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/ModeIssue/: es: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/MusNotation/: zh: toolkitLabel: 10 termList/MusNotation/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/MusNotation/: vi: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/MusNotation/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/MusNotation/: nl: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/MusNotation/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/MusNotation/: it: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/MusNotation/: fr: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/MusNotation/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/MusNotation/: fi: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/MusNotation/: es: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/MusNotation/: es: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/MusNotation/: en: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/MusNotation/: en: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/MusNotation/: de: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/MusNotation/: de: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/MusNotation/: da: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/MusNotation/: da: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/MusNotation/: sv: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/MusNotation/: vi: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/MusNotation/: en: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/MusNotation/: de: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/MusNotation/: da: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/noteMove/: zh: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/noteMove/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/noteMove/: vi: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/noteMove/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/noteMove/: nl: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/noteMove/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/noteMove/: it: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/noteMove/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/noteMove/: fi: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/noteMove/: es: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/noteMove/: es: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/noteMove/: en: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/noteMove/: en: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/noteMove/: de: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/noteMove/: de: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/noteMove/: da: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/noteMove/: da: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/noteMove/: vi: core#scopeNote: 8 termList/noteMove/: fr: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/noteMove/: en: core#scopeNote: 8 termList/noteMove/: de: core#scopeNote: 8 termList/noteMove/: da: core#scopeNote: 8 termList/noteMove/: sv: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/noteMove/: zh: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/presFormat/: en: toolkitLabel: 12 termList/presFormat/: en: toolkitDefinition: 12 termList/presFormat/: de: toolkitLabel: 12 termList/presFormat/: de: toolkitDefinition: 12 termList/prodTactile/: fr: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/prodTactile/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/prodTactile/: es: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/prodTactile/: es: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/prodTactile/: en: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/prodTactile/: en: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/prodTactile/: fr: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/RDAappliedMaterial/: en: toolkitLabel: 17 termList/RDAappliedMaterial/: en: toolkitDefinition: 17 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: zh: toolkitLabel: 32 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 32 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: en: toolkitLabel: 32 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: en: toolkitDefinition: 32 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: fr: toolkitLabel: 24 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: es: toolkitLabel: 24 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: de: toolkitLabel: 24 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: de: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: zh: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/RDAbaseMaterial/: en: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/RDACarrierEU/: vi: toolkitLabel: 41 termList/RDACarrierEU/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 41 termList/RDACarrierEU/: en: toolkitLabel: 41 termList/RDACarrierEU/: en: toolkitDefinition: 41 termList/RDACarrierEU/: de: toolkitLabel: 41 termList/RDACarrierEU/: de: toolkitDefinition: 41 termList/RDACarrierEU/: ca: toolkitLabel: 41 termList/RDACarrierEU/: ca: toolkitDefinition: 41 termList/RDACarrierEU/: vi: core#scopeNote: 32 termList/RDACarrierEU/: en: core#scopeNote: 32 termList/RDACarrierEU/: de: core#scopeNote: 32 termList/RDACarrierEU/: ca: core#scopeNote: 32 termList/RDACarrierType/: zh: toolkitLabel: 55 termList/RDACarrierType/: es: toolkitLabel: 55 termList/RDACarrierType/: de: toolkitLabel: 55 termList/RDACarrierType/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: vi: toolkitLabel: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: nl: toolkitLabel: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: es: toolkitDefinition: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: en: toolkitLabel: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: en: toolkitDefinition: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: de: toolkitDefinition: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: ca: toolkitLabel: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: ca: toolkitDefinition: 48 termList/RDACarrierType/: sv: toolkitLabel: 46 termList/RDACarrierType/: fr: toolkitLabel: 46 termList/RDACarrierType/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 46 termList/RDACarrierType/: fi: toolkitLabel: 45 termList/RDACarrierType/: it: toolkitLabel: 44 termList/RDACarrierType/: zh: core#scopeNote: 4 termList/RDACarrierType/: vi: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/RDACarrierType/: fr: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/RDACarrierType/: es: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/RDACarrierType/: en: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/RDACarrierType/: ca: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/RDACarrierType/: de: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/RDACartoDT/: vi: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDACartoDT/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDACartoDT/: it: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDACartoDT/: fr: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDACartoDT/: fi: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDACartoDT/: es: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDACartoDT/: en: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDACartoDT/: en: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDACartoDT/: de: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDACartoDT/: de: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDAColourContent/: zh: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: vi: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: sv: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: nl: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: fi: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: es: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: es: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: en: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: en: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: de: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: de: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: da: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/RDAColourContent/: da: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/RDAContentType/: zh: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: vi: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: nl: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: it: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: it: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: he: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: he: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: fr: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: fi: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: fi: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: es: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: es: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: en: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: en: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: en: core#scopeNote: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: de: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: de: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: da: toolkitLabel: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: da: toolkitDefinition: 23 termList/RDAContentType/: es: core#scopeNote: 19 termList/RDAContentType/: vi: core#scopeNote: 18 termList/RDAContentType/: sv: toolkitLabel: 18 termList/RDAContentType/: he: core#scopeNote: 18 termList/RDAContentType/: de: core#scopeNote: 18 termList/RDAContentType/: da: core#scopeNote: 18 termList/RDAContentType/: zh: core#scopeNote: 17 termList/RDAContentType/: it: core#scopeNote: 17 termList/RDAContentType/: fr: core#scopeNote: 17 termList/RDAContentType/: fi: core#scopeNote: 17 termList/RDAGeneration/: en: toolkitLabel: 18 termList/RDAGeneration/: en: toolkitDefinition: 18 termList/RDAGeneration/: de: toolkitLabel: 18 termList/RDAGeneration/: de: toolkitDefinition: 18 termList/RDAGeneration/: en: core#scopeNote: 15 termList/RDAGeneration/: de: core#scopeNote: 15 termList/RDAMaterial/: en: toolkitLabel: 48 termList/RDAMaterial/: en: toolkitDefinition: 48 termList/RDAMaterial/: de: toolkitLabel: 48 termList/RDAMaterial/: de: toolkitDefinition: 48 termList/RDAMaterial/: zh: toolkitLabel: 32 termList/RDAMaterial/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 32 termList/RDAMaterial/: nl: toolkitLabel: 31 termList/RDAMaterial/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 31 termList/RDAMaterial/: sv: toolkitLabel: 26 termList/RDAMaterial/: fr: toolkitLabel: 24 termList/RDAMaterial/: es: toolkitLabel: 24 termList/RDAMaterial/: en: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDAMaterial/: de: core#scopeNote: 5 termList/RDAMediaType/: zh: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: sv: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: nl: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: it: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: it: toolkitDefinition: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: fr: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: fi: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: fi: toolkitDefinition: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: es: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: es: toolkitDefinition: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: en: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: en: toolkitDefinition: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: de: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: de: toolkitDefinition: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: da: toolkitLabel: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: da: toolkitDefinition: 8 termList/RDAMediaType/: en: core#scopeNote: 7 termList/RDAMediaType/: zh: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDAMediaType/: it: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDAMediaType/: fr: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDAMediaType/: fi: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDAMediaType/: es: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDAMediaType/: de: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDAMediaType/: da: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDAPolarity/: zh: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: sv: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: nl: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: it: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: fr: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: fi: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: es: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: es: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: en: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: en: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: de: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: de: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: da: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAPolarity/: da: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: en: toolkitLabel: 20 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: de: toolkitLabel: 20 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: de: toolkitDefinition: 20 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: da: toolkitLabel: 20 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: da: toolkitDefinition: 20 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: en: toolkitDefinition: 19 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: nl: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: en: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: de: core#scopeNote: 2 termList/RDAproductionMethod/: da: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: zh: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: sv: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: nl: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: it: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: fr: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: fi: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: es: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: es: toolkitDefinition: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: en: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: en: toolkitDefinition: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: de: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: de: toolkitDefinition: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: da: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/RDAReductionRatio/: da: toolkitDefinition: 5 termList/RDARegionalEncoding/: en: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/RDARegionalEncoding/: en: toolkitDefinition: 15 termList/RDARegionalEncoding/: de: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/RDARegionalEncoding/: de: toolkitDefinition: 15 termList/RDATerms/: en: toolkitLabel: 107 termList/RDATerms/: en: toolkitDefinition: 107 termList/RDATerms/: de: toolkitLabel: 107 termList/RDATerms/: de: toolkitDefinition: 107 termList/RDATerms/: it: toolkitLabel: 87 termList/RDATerms/: it: toolkitDefinition: 85 termList/RDATerms/: fr: toolkitLabel: 67 termList/RDATerms/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 65 termList/RDATerms/: es: toolkitLabel: 41 termList/RDATerms/: es: toolkitDefinition: 41 termList/RDATerms/: en: core#scopeNote: 22 termList/RDATerms/: de: core#scopeNote: 22 termList/RDATerms/: it: core#scopeNote: 9 termList/RDATerms/: fr: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDATerms/: fi: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/RDATerms/: fi: toolkitDefinition: 6 termList/RDATerms/: es: core#scopeNote: 6 termList/RDATerms/: fi: core#scopeNote: 1 termList/recMedium/: zh: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/recMedium/: sv: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: nl: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/recMedium/: it: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: fr: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/recMedium/: fi: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: es: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: es: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/recMedium/: en: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: en: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/recMedium/: de: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: de: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/recMedium/: da: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/recMedium/: da: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/scale/: sv: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/scale/: nl: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/scale/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/scale/: it: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/scale/: it: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/scale/: en: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/scale/: en: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/scale/: de: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/scale/: de: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/scale/: da: toolkitLabel: 4 termList/scale/: da: toolkitDefinition: 4 termList/soundCont/: zh: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/soundCont/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/soundCont/: sv: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/soundCont/: nl: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/soundCont/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/soundCont/: fr: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/soundCont/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/soundCont/: es: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/soundCont/: es: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/soundCont/: en: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/soundCont/: en: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/soundCont/: de: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/soundCont/: da: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/soundCont/: da: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/specPlayback/: en: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/specPlayback/: en: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/specPlayback/: de: toolkitLabel: 9 termList/specPlayback/: de: toolkitDefinition: 9 termList/statIdentification/: zh: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/statIdentification/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/statIdentification/: sv: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/statIdentification/: nl: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/statIdentification/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/statIdentification/: fr: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/statIdentification/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/statIdentification/: es: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/statIdentification/: es: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/statIdentification/: en: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/statIdentification/: en: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/statIdentification/: de: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/statIdentification/: de: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/statIdentification/: da: toolkitLabel: 3 termList/statIdentification/: da: toolkitDefinition: 3 termList/TacNotation/: zh: toolkitLabel: 7 termList/TacNotation/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 7 termList/TacNotation/: vi: toolkitLabel: 7 termList/TacNotation/: vi: toolkitDefinition: 7 termList/TacNotation/: nl: toolkitLabel: 7 termList/TacNotation/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 7 termList/TacNotation/: it: toolkitLabel: 7 termList/TacNotation/: fr: toolkitDefinition: 7 termList/TacNotation/: fi: toolkitLabel: 7 termList/TacNotation/: es: toolkitLabel: 7 termList/TacNotation/: es: toolkitDefinition: 7 termList/TacNotation/: en: toolkitLabel: 7 termList/TacNotation/: en: toolkitDefinition: 7 termList/TacNotation/: de: toolkitLabel: 7 termList/TacNotation/: de: toolkitDefinition: 7 termList/TacNotation/: da: toolkitLabel: 7 termList/TacNotation/: da: toolkitDefinition: 7 termList/TacNotation/: fr: toolkitLabel: 6 termList/TacNotation/: sv: toolkitLabel: 5 termList/trackConfig/: zh: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/trackConfig/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/trackConfig/: sv: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/trackConfig/: fr: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/trackConfig/: es: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/trackConfig/: es: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/trackConfig/: en: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/trackConfig/: en: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/trackConfig/: de: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/trackConfig/: de: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/trackConfig/: da: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/trackConfig/: da: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/typeRec/: zh: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: zh: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/typeRec/: sv: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: nl: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: nl: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/typeRec/: it: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: fr: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: fi: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: es: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: en: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: en: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/typeRec/: de: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: de: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/typeRec/: da: toolkitLabel: 2 termList/typeRec/: da: toolkitDefinition: 2 termList/videoFormat/: en: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/videoFormat/: en: toolkitDefinition: 15 termList/videoFormat/: de: toolkitLabel: 15 termList/videoFormat/: de: toolkitDefinition: 15