Table of Contents

Using RIMMF. Tutorial #16, Import a Bib record for a Manifestation of an Expression that has different Contributors

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about importing a Bib record when a possible matching Expression is present, but has different Contributors


Alternate: Use a pre-built folder

If you want to jump to this tutorial without doing the previous tutorials, follow the "Download Web Folder" instructions and download the following folder from our website:

If you intend to use this file to proceed through the remaining tutorials, 
  remember that it is located in your '\RIMMF3\imports\zip' folder.

Find and Display the R-Tree for "I saw three ships"

Notice the Illustrator of this Expression: "Tomes, Margot"

Find and Export a Bib Record from the LC Catalog

Unless you rename it, the record will be called 'records.mrc'.

Import the Bib Record

Remember that this process works exactly like an <F3> import does
Remember that you already have an Expression for this Work (see above)
  with a different illustrator: "Tomes, Margaret" 
Before you actually import the MARC record, 
  check it, to see whether it lists the same illustrator.
Because the MARC record includes a 7XX for a different person
  than the person attached to the existing Expression,
  RIMMF is going to create a new Expression
  and import the new Contributor

Check the Manifestation

Looks OK, based on the quality (bad) of the source record.

Check the Expression

Check that the AAP for the new Expression is unique.
Notice that there are now two Expressions,
  with the same headings.
Go back to the Expression you just made, 
  and we will add its date to its heading,
  to make it unique

Make the Expression headings unique

View the R-Tree

See the two Illustrators and two Manifestations

End this Tutorial

If you are finished playing with RIMMF for now, close RIMMF. If you want to proceed, go to Tutorial #17