In this tutorial, we are going to learn about importing a Bib record from a library catalog for a video that contains a Work that is related to a Work that is already in the EI. This process has many issues, including incomplete MARC mapping in RIMMF.
You have been warned!
If you want to jump to this tutorial without doing the previous tutorials, follow the "Download Web Folder" instructions and download the following folder from our website:
If you intend to use this file to proceed through the remaining tutorials, remember that it is located in your '\RIMMF3\imports\zip' folder.
For this tutorial, I found a record for us to export and import in a public catalog that allows export of MARC records.
This opens the record for: "Green Dolphin Street [videorecording] / Turner Entertainment Co"
Unless you rename it, the record will be called 'exportRecord'.
Wait--this will take awhile because RIMMF is importing a lot of records. Notice that this process works exactly like an <F3> import does; and notice that Goudge is unchecked and RIMMF found matching NAF Authority records for all sorts of people associated with the Bib record.
Using the videocassette template, will remind us about additional data that we might need to add.
We have quite a bit of editing to do.
Notice the 508 actually contains Statement of responsibility data: "Directed by Victor Saville ; produced by Carey Wilson ; screenplay by Samson Raphaelson."
Notice the 511 in the MARC record now maps to Note on Statement of Responsibility
The 'Videocassette' template that you chose, added the following constant data: - Mode of Issuance: single unit (this is ok, since there is only 1 cassette) - Media Type: video - Carrier Type: videocassette - Type of Unit (Other): videocassette - Video Format: VHS
It is ok that the duration disappeared, it belongs in the Expression data, not here.
Notice 'VHS' in 538 of the MARC record that was already provided for you, by the constant data in the template.
As you go down the list of common Expression elements for a video, look at the MARC record, to see whether there is anything you could add or edit in the Expression data.
Notice that 'Date of Expression' is: 1991 RIMMF copied that from the Date of Publication, but it is highly likely that this work was actually first expressed as a motion picture at an earlier date. Research (Wikipedia) indicates that the motion picture first came out in 1947
Notice that Colour Content is already filled in, correctly: as per 'b&w' in the 300$b Notice that 'Sound Content' is already filled in, correctly: as per 'sd.' in the 300$b
Notice the duration in the 300$a has been correctly mapped to the Duration element
As you go down the list of common Work elements for a video, look at the MARC record, to see whether there is anything you could add or edit in the Work data.
Let's add the 'Form of Work' data to the AAP for the Work.
Notice that 'Date of Work is: 1991 RIMMF copied that from the Date of Publication, but we already know that the motion picture first came out in 1947
We know from the Wikipedia article, that this motion picture originated in the U.S.
Notice the 500$a Not rated
Notice that a Screenwriter link has been made for Raphaelson, as per his $e code in the MARC record. Although he is, indeed, screenwriter for this movie, and is the Creator/Screenwriter for the screenplay on which this movie is based, he is not considered a Creator for this movie. This is still under debate, but I recommend that you delete him as Screenwriter and add him as a Related work entry for his screenplay.
Notice that Saville and Wilson have been added as Director and Producer, as per the $e codes in the MARC record.
Add a Related Work link for the original work.
Create a brief Work record for the Screenplay, using the title of the motion picture as its preferred title and the screenwriter as its creator.
Screenplay is already provided as constant data for Form of Work in the template We also want to add that term to the AAP for the Work
As you can see the backlink to the motion picture Work has already been added. Now we need to add a link to the original novel
That's all we need for the screenplay
[-] Work: Green Dolphin Street (Motion picture) Director: Saville, Victor, 1895-1979 [-] Expression of work: Raphaelson, Samson, 1896-1983. Green Dolphin Street. Two-dimensional moving image Actor: Turner, Lana, 1921-1995 Actor: Heflin, Van, 1910-1971 Actor: Reed, Donna, 1921-1986 Actor: Hart, Richard, 1915-1951 Manifestation of expression: Green Dolphin Street. MGM/UA Home Video. 1991. Videocassette [-] Motion picture adaptation of (work): Goudge, Elizabeth, 1900-1984. Green Dolphin Country Adapted as motion picture screenplay (work): Raphaelson, Samson, 1896-1983. Green Dolphin Street (Screenplay) Author: Goudge, Elizabeth, 1900-1984 Expression of work: Goudge, Elizabeth, 1900-1984. Green Dolphin Country. Text. English [-] Motion picture screenplay (work): Raphaelson, Samson, 1896-1983. Green Dolphin Street (Screenplay) Motion picture screenplay based on (work): Goudge, Elizabeth, 1900-1984. Green Dolphin Country Screenwriter: Raphaelson, Samson, 1896-1983 Producer: Wilson, Carey, 1889-1962 Production Company: Turner Entertainment Co.
If you are finished playing with RIMMF for now, close RIMMF. If you want to proceed, go to Tutorial #18