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Running RIMMF on MAC OS X

We are working on a compilation of RIMMF3 that will run on OS X without requiring the installation of Windows, a virtual machine, etc.

This compilation relies on the WINE emulator; the download package is a single file that includes all of the WINE environment as well as RIMMF.

The download is named: (about 160 MB) [send email to request link]

Fetch this file to your desktop, then see the Installation notes below.

Keep in mind that RIMMF is Windows software. Although it may run on OS X, it will not run the way other Mac software does. A basic knowledge of Windows is, therefore, recommended.

How to help us

What will help us make the Mac version better is Mac users who can go through the RIMMF tutorials (link on the left sidebar) and report back to us on the problems they discover; suggestions are also welcome!

Going through the tutorials is the only way we have of conducting standardized testing.

Please use the Contact us option to establish email communication. Once that is done, you can email us directly in the usual manner with your problem reports.

The basic functionality of the Mac version is good. We know there are a few problems with shortcut keys, especially those that use the 'Alt' key, and we are working on this. There may also be other problems that we have not foreseen because of our lack of a dedicated test machine.

Installation notes

Problems noted

Here is a list of the main problems noted so far, including any steps made to address them.

To make RIMMF work more like the way it does in Windows, you may want to do the following in the System Preferences on your Mac:

  1. Select the 'Keyboard' option to use 'F1, F2, etc. as standard function keys'
  2. Select 'Secondary Click' in 'Trackpad' and set it to 'Bottom Right'.

This should be fixed in the current version. The problem stems from the fact that RIMMF often uses a Windows API to display views/files; this API relies on the O/S to pass an 'open' request to the default app for the type of file being viewed (.mrc, .xml, .rdf, .nt, .txt, .html, etc.). We have not yet figured out how to mimic this in WINE (or know if it is even possible). So, in cases where the default 'open' behavior is not functioning, we have wrapped the data from the view in html–in which case, it should be opened by Safari on the Mac.

This should be fixed in the current version. Originally there was a problem caused by a difference in how windows are 'owned' in Windows vs. OS X. We fixed this by 'de-owning' the windows in the MAC version, thus allowing them to come to the top when they are clicked on.

General notes

RIMMF is codesigned using Microsoft authenticode, and we are hoping to Apple codesign the wine+rimmf package, but are as yet unsure of the result