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Latest update: 140124
About version 2
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About RIMMF 3
There are two ways to install/use RIMMF.
The first way, referred to as the 'Flash drive installation', is to unzip the RIMMF files onto a USB flash drive, or memory card, or any other storage area on your computer over which you have control1), and then run the program from that location. In this case, both program files and user data will be saved to the install folder. Unlike a standard installation, this option does not require access to administrative privileges on the computer at any time.
The second way, referred to as the 'Standard installation' below, is to let Windows2) install the program. This method adds an icon for the program to the desktop, and saves all data to the location defined as your My Documents folder3). During the installation process this method requires access to administrative privileges on the computer.
Which one should I use?
Choose whatever method allows you to update the software. If you do not have Admin rights, use the first one; if you do, use the second one.
Note: It is possible (in RIMMF2, but not RIMMF1) to use both installation types on the same machine; RIMMF will use the data and tables appropriate to the scenario in which the app is launched.
Here are a few notes to keep in mind if RIMMF is already installed, and you are updating your version of the program. If you have anything you want to save (other than records, which will not be affected by updates), backup your current RIMMF installation (eg., for a standard install, make a copy of My Documents\RIMMF2; for a zip install, make a copy of the installation folder).
If you are using the 'Flash drive installation', use these steps to update:
If you are using the ''Standard installation', just follow the steps below.
Either way, records, templates, or table customizations will not be changed or deleted.
Flash drive installation
Standard installation
Once the program is installed, the first time you open it, you will have to setup your record prefix, and then you will be ready to start RIMMFing resources. Here is some more info on starting the program for the first time.
You might also find this brief [flash player] tutorial helpful as a starting place: RIMMFing a Resource
Hopefully, you will also find the User Guide useful as you learn about RIMMF functionality. If you get stuck, send us an email:
RIMMF1 and RIMMF2 may be installed on the same computer. Both programs may be used without impacting the other in any way.
However, please note these limitations:
Note that RIMMF1 folder names are simply named 'RIMMF'; whereas RIMMF2 folder names will be named 'RIMMF2'. This note applies to both My Documents and Program Files.
For detailed notes on installation please use this link.