Frequently Asked Questions

What is RIMMF?


What RIMMF is not

RIMMF is not a cataloging tool, because you cannot export records that can be used in an ILS.

Again, the purpose of RIMMF is to help you think about RDA without the constraints of MARC and AACR. In RIMMF we practice making, cloning, and linking RDA entity records to get a solid idea of how much the RDA way of thinking will change the way we do cataloging, hopefully for the better.


Why do we need RIMMF? Because just reading RDA or about RDA does not give us a good understanding of how it will actually work; seeing RDA in action is what will turn the tide in it's favor.

We have a long way to go before we can replace MARC in our complicated cataloging infrastructure, but we have to start somewhere; in this spirit, we offer RIMMF, an aid to help catalogers to visualize what cataloging might be like in an RDA future.

Why “RIMMF”?

The original concept was something like: RDA In Many Metadata Formats.

Some day, it would be nice if RIMMF could automatically produce 'records' in MARC, XML, RDF, etc.

But for now we are concentrating our efforts on an interface to RDA thinking and trying to make sure it is both 'faithful' to the model and 'flexible' enough to be useful to more than one type of user or group.

How do I get RIMMF?

Click 'Download' in the sidebar on the left and follow the steps there.

How much does RIMMF cost?

RIMMF is free; there are no obligations, no time limit, no annoying forms to fill out, no spam, and no marketing surveys.

<!– Why does this site require registration?

This site requires registration (an email address is the only required item) for authentication purposes and to prevent abuse. No commercial use of your email address will be made, nor will it ever be knowingly shared. Registration will add your email to a mailing list that we might use (no more than 6 times a year) to inform you about software updates; to be removed from this list (but not from the wiki) you may send an email (from the email address that you used to sign up for the wiki) to: –>

Is source code available for RIMMF?

No. RIMMF is based upon commercial components that we cannot redistribute.

Is there a 'MAC/OS' version?

RIMMF runs on Apple machines that have Windows or a Windows VM installed.

We are not able to develop a native MAC/OS version. If we had more resources, we would instead pursue making RIMMF available as a web app.

I have questions, I need help, etc.

If you have questions about using RIMMF, found a problem, have a suggestion, etc., please check here to see whether your issue or question has already been answered. If not, then send an email to <html> <a href='&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#114;&#105;&#109;&#109;&#102;&#64;&#109;&#97;&#114;&#99;&#111;&#102;&#113;&#117;&#97;&#108;&#105;&#116;&#121;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;'>&#82;&#73;&#77;&#77;&#70;</a></html>; be sure to begin the subject line with 'RIMMF', too.

Who created RIMMF?

RIMMF was created by Deborah Fritz, after realizing that the main problem with talking RDA was a difficulty visualizing how it might work (some more details on this may be found here). RIMMF was rendered into software by Richard Fritz. Together we are TMQ, Inc. (a.k.a. The MARC of Quality®), and we've been doing things like this since 1992.

You can find out more about us at:


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RIMMF requires Windows XP or later
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries