An element is the primary data container in a RIMMF record. You may create elements in template mode only; however, any element that you create in template mode is added to your options and will always be available later in the same context (ie. an element for a Work record will be available in other Work records, but not in Manifestation records, etc.)
To add a local element of your own to a template:
Put your cursor on the element label that is directly below where you want your new element to be inserted (go here instead, if the element is to be inserted at the end of the record/template; you can always move the element after you insert it, if you wish):
Press the <Insert> key; as new empty cell will appear:
Either: Choose from a list of already assigned local elements appropriate for the entity (if there are any)—(this works for templates and records)
Or: Enter a local element name—(this only works for templates)
You will be able to change these element settings later using Edit Elements
In a template: if you would like an added element to always appear for a particular type of record, then add that element in a template; the added element will always appear whenever that template is accessed.
In a record: do not add an element to a record; if you do, then that new element will show up as 'undefined' the next time you open the record. Only add new elements to templates, so that the software knows what to do with the data for that element, the next time you access a record that contains that element data.