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Table of Contents
Getting started with "aggMatch"
The setup app creates a folder named aggMatch on the Windows desktop–this aggMatch folder can be dragged to another location once installation completes.
The primary data requirement for running aggMatch is a MARC21 file. (MARCXML files must be converted to MARC21 exchange format; there are free apps that will do this).
Windows Interface
1. The currently selected MARC file (will be empty the first time the program runs)
2. A dropdown button opens a list of previously selected MARC files
3. An ellipsis button navigates and selects a new MARC file (the is then added to the dropdown list)
4. A review ID, a string of review Ids (eg. 1,2,3,4), or a RDA Work category (eg. PAM); use this box to override the default review options and test a single review (for example).
5. Run each of the specified review(s) on each record in the currently selected MARC file, and display the results onscreen (as well as in a log file). See the Customization section below for more information.
6. Message area–program messages (hints, warnings, errors, etc.), as well as the log of each run, appear here.
A textfile–aggMatch.ini–is created the first time the program runs. This file contains options that customize the way the program works. These options can be set both in the windows interface, and manually by editing the .ini using notepad.
In order for the program to function, two text files (included in the installation) are required:
- a lists manifest
- a reviews manifest
These lists must be located in the same folder as the program .exe
The lists manifest is a table that enumerates all of the valuelists used by the program, which review(s) each valuelist should be applied to, whether matching is case-sensitive, etc. Each valuelist consists of a simple list of terms, one per line. These lists are stored in a valuelists folder.
The reviews manifest is a table that describes all of the reviews used by the program. Each row in the table includes:
- a review Id (a simple number)
- the review's run order (a simple number)
- a review description (friendly name)
- a more detailed description (in MARC terms)
- a hitcount (based on Deborah's research using the file lc-every-50th.mrc)
- a group code (reviews that match are classified into several Work categories)
If either of these two manifests are missing, or in the wrong place, the program will open but will be unable to process records.