Re-open a File

Whenever a record or template is opened in RIMMF, the program adds it to the Re-open menu.

You can use this menu to quickly re-open a recent record or a recent blank template.

  • Choose “File|Re-open…”
  • Select the file you want to open

The selected record or template will open without the need for any further steps.


A record opened this way will open in a default template, even if the last time you opened the record was in a custom template (ie. the program does not track the fact that it was opened in a custom template).

If you want to open a record in a particular template, use the “Utilities|Entity Index” or “File|Open...|Record in a Template” to find and open the record, instead of this method.

If the 're-open list' becomes cluttered or full of obsolete entries, select “Clear this list”.

If you would prefer to see record URIs instead of Access Points, clear the option to 'Display Access Points instead of URIs':

rimmf1/menu/reopen.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/07 20:39 by
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