Setup menu

Record Prefix

The first time you run a new installation of RIMMF, a form pops up asking you to set your record prefix. This is important, and is the only required Setup option in RIMMF (i.e., RIMMF should not allow you to proceed without adding this prefix).

The purpose of this option is to allow you to add a prefix to your RIMMF Identifiers (RIDs) to make them, as far as possible, unique. You will eventually find yourself wanting to share your records with others, and we must have unique RIDs to make that possible.

RIMMF automatically assigns sequential numbers to records created in each installation of the software. So records that I create on my desktop, using the prefix 'qpq' start at 'qpq00000001', and records that I create on my laptop, using the prefix 'qpq-bw' start at 'qpq-bw00000001'; this allows me to copy records to my desktop folder of RIMMF data from my laptop folder of RIMMF data and vv. without overwriting any of those records.

If you are at a complete loss for what to do for a prefix, simply enter your OCLC code, followed by a dash, followed by your initials–that should be enough to uniquely identify your records in most cases.

See RIMMF Terminology | Concepts | Record Prefix for more details about what you can include in a prefix.

Without a record prefix, you will be unable to share your records with other users, since your filenames (which RIMMF uses to uniquely identify records) will almost certainly collide with filenames from other users.

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rimmf1/menu/setup.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/07 20:39 by
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