In this tutorial we will learn how to:
If this is the first time that you have opened the program, just be sure that you have set up your record prefix.
Notice that the Data folder in use is probably: '\Data\' This is shown at the bottom of the RIMMF screen, e.g.: 'Data folder: Documents\RIMMF3\Data\'
First, you need a new data folder, just for these Tutorials; so your first step is to create that folder, and, at the same time, make it your default folder:
Now you are ready to begin adding records to your folder. We will begin by importing a MARC authority record for a Person from the NACO Authority File (NAF).
Note that you are shown only 10 hits, but in those hits are two possible matches for your Person. Always remember to check the records you find, to be sure that they correctly match what you are seeking.
The one you want is Goudge, Elizabeth, 1900-1984
Consider sending TMQ advice on how to map whatever did not map.
See what happens--the record is discarded
At the Search and Retrieval Tool <F3>:
The R-Tree opens, and shows the single record that was imported with no related records
This returns you to her record
The heading might still show in the R-Tree, ignore it and just close the R-Tree if it is still open
Return to the RIMMF Search and Retrieval Tool <F3>, again
This time, that heading should appear at the top of the list with the heading already selected
This returns you to her record
Return to the RIMMF Search and Retrieval Tool <F3>, again
This opens the record in the default TMQ Person template, with empty elements, some of which you might be able to fill, with a little research.
Now we are going to try to find out more about this author,
from a different source.
You can read the Wikipedia article if you like, but the main thing to note is that our author is aka Elizabeth de Beauchamp Goudge.
You will need a subscription to the RDA Toolkit, in order to access RDA instructions
Return to the RIMMF Search and Retrieval Tool <F3>, again
The Person record that you are trying to import is already in your Entity Index, so RIMMF opens that record with the message: "This entity record is already in your EI"
This means that we found this Person entity record already in your EI (Entity Index). You should go back to the record you were trying to import <F3> and View the MARC record for it again, <Select> and <View MARC>, to be sure it really is the same as the record that RIMMF says is a match. RIMMF matches on the data for the following elements: - Identifier for the Person (e.g., LCCN) - AAP for the Person
If the incoming record is not the same as the EI record, then change something in the incoming or EI record to prevent the incoming record from matching to the EI record. If the incoming record is indeed the same as the EI record, then see whether there is anything new that you could add from the incoming to the EI record. There is nothing new to add to this EI record.
Notice that we have: 1 Person record
This opens the Person record again
If you are finished playing with RIMMF for now, close RIMMF. If you want to proceed, go to Tutorial #2