RIMMF Version 1: Changes

This page tracks the changes made in each RIMMF release (newest first).
Follow this link for a list of problems that have not been resolved.

Release 12.9.4, Update 12.11.25

  • This update fixes a problem with a pop-up message warning about a 'Possible AAP Duplicate' whenever an AAP is auto-generated by the program.

Work begins on RIMMF2 (October 1, 2012)

We will still fix bugs in RIMMF1, but RIMMF2 will be the focus for new functionality.

Release 12.9.4, Update 12.10.4

  • This update fixes a bug with saving XML records (The records would be saved as XML but then deleted when the program was closed)

Release 12.9.4, Update 12.9.5

  • A bug was introduced in 12.9.4–right-clicking an access point did not display the relationship links menu.

Release 12.9.4

  • Many changes to tables
  • Adds 48 new elements for 'Details Of…'. For more information, follow this link
  • Adds an option to save your username/password information for the RDA Toolkit (useful if you do not have an IP subscription), so that RIMMF can log you in whenever you click on a link to a RDA Rule. The option is located under the Tools|Setup menu and is named 'Set toolkit access method'

Release 12.8.20

  • Fixes an error that occurs when the user enters a custom vocabulary term while editing a record.
  • Fixes a possible problem with RDA toolkit access. We started to get messages about 'Maximum connections' exceeded when using RIMMF to access the toolkit. This problem seems to go away if one 'logs out' of the toolkit when closing RIMMF. So the built-in RIMMF browser will now 'log out' whenever RIMMF is closed. Please let us know if this causes any problems.
  • A notice about RIMMF licensing will now appear after the program is installed and run for the first time.
  • Fixed a few minor problems with the program's hyperlink support; in addition, the main menu option named 'Open links via…Single-click' (as opposed to 'via…Right-click') now works properly.
  • Added an option named 'Cache Entity Index' to the main menu; if you have alot of records, this should help RIMMF start faster.

Release 12.6.22, Update 120630

  • Minor update to fix a few problems in the 'Import NAF (demo)' option.
  • Adds VIAF source to the above-mentioned demo
  • No changes to the tables

Release 12.6.22

  • This version may prompt you1) to update the default tables RIMMF uses for elements, vocabularies, and vocab terms. This process will not affect elements, vocabularies, and/or vocab terms that you have added to RIMMF yourself. Unfortunately, version 1 of RIMMF is not able to preserve changes you have made to the distributed elements, etc., using the Element (or Vocabulary) editor. If you are concerned about this, then do not run this update.
  • This version includes two new elements and an updated template for the Expression entity: Note on Expression (7.29) and its sub-element, Note on Changes in Content Characteristics (7.29.2).
  • RIMMF now supports a concept we are calling 'Build WEM'2). When a new Manifestation is created, and you right-click on Expression Manifested, a 'Create new Work' menu option is now available; if selected, RIMMF will create a new Work and autofill it with the applicable fields from the Manifestation. When the Work record is complete, and you right-click Expression of Work, a 'Create new Expression' menu option is now available; if selected, RIMMF will create a new Expression and autofill it with the applicable fields from the Work. Its our first foray at automating some of the RDA/FRBR tasks that users have noted are time-consuming3).
  • Many people have remarked that, as there are often many different forms open on the desktop in RIMMF, it would be nice if they could be quickly distinguished from one another visually. So in this release we have added color-coded borders for the forms for each FRBR entity. 4).
  • Along the lines of the above, the list of open forms listed under the 'Windows' menu has been enhanced to include the record's entity (via a simple one-character abbreviation, eg. 'W' for Work, etc.) and its access point, where applicable (records that are in the process of being created may not have an AP; in these cases, simply the filename will appear).
  • Again, the top caption of the entity forms was getting a bit cluttered. It has been simplified, and now uses the same format as the Windows menu (see note above this one): Entity – Filename – Authorized Access Point. The latest timestamp for the record, and the template used to create the record (where applicable), have been moved to the status bar at the bottom of the form (which may not be visible if you have turned this option off under the View|Show/Hide menu)
  • Also on the topic of ease of use:
    • whenever a record has been changed in some way, but not saved, an asterisk will be appended to the end of the form's caption
    • when pressing <Ctrl>S (save changes) the program no longer de-focuses the cell being edited; after the record is saved, the cursor is restored to the active cell (if applicable)
    • pressing the <Enter> key while editing data in the Text column now drops the cursor down to the next element (whereas pressing <Enter> anywhere else does not); <Tab> still moves the cursor through the columns
    • function keys are now defined for common editing tasks (previously accessed by right-clicking on the row indicator column): <F2> Copy element; <F3> Delete element; <F4> Append element
    • when an element is appended to the end of the form, the program now scrolls the form so that the new element is completely visible.
    • to force RIMMF to re-autofill an access point, simply double-click on the row containing the AAP; this saves having to clear the AAP, move focus to another cell, and then click the original cell again.
    • the program may appear to 'hang' when it starts, depending upon the number of records you have made, the speed of the computer, etc.5) We've added some visual feedback during the startup sequence to make this less puzzling.
  • We have made a few changes to 'Element Source' field, as follows:
    • A new type of source named 'RDA+' (ie RDA Plus) has been added; the symbol for this source will be a raised open circle; the purpose of this source is to categorize elements that are implied by the RDA rules but not explicity listed in the ESV (the best example of this type of element would be the Authorized Access Points)
    • The 'TMQ' source has been changed to 'RIMMF'; the symbol for this source will remain a dagger; the purpose of this source is to categorize elements required to facilitate implementation (the best example of this type of element would be the RIMMF Identifiers)
  • Work has begun on an MARC to RDA mapping; see the mapping page for details. In addition, we have started 'playing' with the linked data published by LC for the NACO Authority File. These two concepts work well together. On the one hand, we'd to be able to link to 'real' authority records with a single-click; on the other, we would also like to be able to import these records into RIMMF as RDA entities. We will update the pages referred to in this paragraph as progress continues.
  • A menu option called 'Remove demo records' was added (unders Tools|Setup on the main menu). This lets you remove the demo records distributed with the program from your entity index.


  • An R-Tree problem, in which relationship designators for PFC-to-PFC relationships were not being displayed (a default designator was shown instead) has been fixed.
  • RIMMF may not have saved elements containing a double-quote in the “Text” column correctly. Fixed.
  • If loading a record into a template, and the record contained valid RDA element(s) that were not in the template, RIMMF would silently drop those elements; and if the record was then saved, these elements would be lost. Fixed.
  • When loading a record into a template, if the record contained repeated elements at deeper levels6), the repeated elements would not be assigned to the correct group in the template. Fixed.
  • An annoyance, whereby closing the record would result in a 'Save changes?' prompt, even if one had just pressed <Ctrl>S, has been fixed.

Release 12.4.23


  • The problem with the 'Link to …' option not being able to accomodate large lists has been resolved7); also this menu will jump to the first alphabetical entry for whatever key you press; so if you want to browse authors with surnames starting with 'S', you can press 's' –instead of scrolling all the way down.
  • The Entity Index window will now remember its previous size and position between sessions


  • The MARC Mapping changes referred to in release 12.4.18 were being made, then overwritten, by the MARC mapping changes made in 12.4.13 8). This release fixes the problem and will thus effect the changes to the 8 elements mentioned below.

Release 12.4.18


  • The MARC mapping was changed in 8 elements9)
  • RIMMF will now map a Manifestation more completely. This includes reaching out and following links to Expression Manifested, and from there, to Work Expressed. For details on how this works, please refer to the following entry in Deborah's blog: http://rimmf.wordpress.com/rimmf-marc-mapping/rda2marc/
  • RIMMF will now apply a simple rule during MARC Mapping (to try to reduce the number of repeating MARC fields that contain only one subfield): if two RDA elements map to the same MARC tag, and both elements have the same RDA parent element10), then join the MARC tags being output–following the order of the RDA record.


  • in the OPAC view, RIMMF did not add the relationship designator to the label for an Related WEMI access points11).

Release 12.4.13


  • updates the MARC mapping for over 300 elements
  • Work and Expression are now mapped to MARC Authority records
  • the program now requires that you set up a record prefix before creating new records
  • the Element editor and Vocabulary editor forms are now useable with windows 7 Aero, although not completely fixed.

Release 12.4.11

Note: No changes to any tables in this update


  • improves the way ID Numbers are assigned
  • in the OPAC view, RIMMF now adds the relationship designator to the label for an access point, and if successful, cancels the display of the relationship designator.


  • the version being reported by the program under the 'Help|About' menu was incorrect

Release 12.4.09


  • two missing elements were added to Manifestation, as subproperties of Identifier for the Item:
    • Plate Number for Music
    • Publisher's Number for Music
  • the Manifestation element, Date of Expression of a Religious Work, was deleted (because it turned out that it was not actually an element, just a special rule for the 'Date of Expression' element)
  • the capitalization of terms for the following vocabularies was revised (as per John Attig's updates):
    • Extent of Cartographic Resource
    • Extent of Notated Music
    • Extent of Still Image
    • Extent of Text
    • Extent of Three-Dimensional Form
  • the 'Delete' element behavior was changed for RIMMF Identifiers; previously, this would delete all elements in the Identifier group; now it will only delete the selected identifier element (however, if the element contains a link, the link will also be removed in the link-to record–this behavior is the same as before)
  • the 'Change data folder' menu option has been moved from 'Tools|Setup' to 'Tools' to make it easier to access; in addition, this menu option has been split into two parts:
    • Change data folder→local network
    • Change data folder→web archive
  • updating an existing installation of RIMMF is much improved in this version, with the risk of an update overwriting user modifications much reduced (though not eliminated completely–see this note for details).


  • updating a 'flash drive' installation in-place completely overwrote any files with the same name; beginning with this update, the flash drive archive may be unzipped to the original installation folder without overwriting any user changes (subject to the proviso in the link given just above)
  • the Help menu option to check for RIMMF updates was broken.

Release 12.3.30


  • the 'Copy' element behavior has been modified; 'Copy' will now place the copied element after the clicked-on element instead of before it
  • this update includes a default MARC mapping (RDA2MARC) for the Person, Family, and Corporate Body entities
  • this update changes the capitalization used in the RDA Extent vocabulary (from titlecase to lowercase).


  • PFC entities would link only to the same PFC entity; eg. a Person would link to a (Related) Person but not to a (Related) Family
  • The <F9> menu option (export current RIMMF record to MARC) was disabled
  • The field definition for MARC2RDA/B was corrupt and all values for this column were truncated to one byte

if you have customized the elements, vocabularies, and/or vocab terms distributed with the program
This is based on Deborah's strategy that when cataloging a new resource, one should typically begin with the Manifestation, then create the Work, and finally the Expression. This strategy is explicit in the menu options that appear when a RIMMF Identifier is right-clicked. Perhaps, we should have named this 'Build MWE' but could not figure out how to pronounce that.
when compared to the current MARC workflow; Note that you can generate the records in the M-W-E cycle quite quickly if you start off with a good store of templates, and populate as many elements as possible in your templates using constant data from vocabularies
Perhaps in a future edition the definition of the individual colors used will be made a configuration option
this is because the RDBMS must be initialized, and the Entity Index re-created, each time RIMMF is started
the typical example is a Work record containing multiple Related Work 'groups', each of which contained a Relationship Designator
though there is still room for enhancement
sorry, still learning about this update process
dateOfExpressionExpressionExpression, copyrightDateManifestationManifestation, descriptionRelatedManifestationManifestation, dateOfWorkWorkWork, placeOfOriginOfTheWorkWorkWork, authorizedAccessPointRelatedExpressionExpression, authorizedAccessPointRelatedWorkWork, authorizedAccessPointWorkWork
ie they have the same SubPropertyOf value
because in our implementation of these relationship designators, there is an extra level between the Identifier and the Designator; we haven't changed the implementation, just the code for the OPAC view
rimmf1/changes1.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/07 20:39 by
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