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What does it mean? RIMMF stands for “RDA in Many Metadata Formats”. We call it this because it is our understanding that RDA data should be entered in a (deceptively) simple form (with lots of help provided underneath to make it simple) and that data should then be exported in whatever format suits whoever wants to use it: RDF, XML, even MARC, and …

What is it? RIMMF is:

  • a visualization tool for catalogers, to help them to get used to thinking of RDA, instead of thinking AACR/MARC
  • a cataloging training tool, to help educators teach RDA thinking (which is an implementation of FRBR thinking)
  • a prototype (and a sandbox) for what a cataloging interface might look like in a system designed purely for RDA

RIMMF is not a cataloging tool, because you cannot (yet) export records that can be used in a contemporary ILS. But it does let you apply RDA thinking to resources, and practice making, cloning, importing, and copying WEMI and other RDA entity records, so that you can get a solid idea of how much the RDA way of thinking will change the way we do cataloging, hopefully for the better.

Why use RIMMF? Because just reading about RDA is not inspiring; seeing a bit of RDA in action is what will turn the tide in its favor. We have a long way to go before we can replace MARC in our complicated cataloging infrastructure, but it is our hope that RIMMF might allow us to visualize a better, simpler way to do cataloging, someday.

Who made RIMMF? RIMMF was created and is being developed by Deborah Fritz and Richard Fritz (TMQ Inc). We started working on RIMMF in February 2011, and have been developing it, with a few months off here and there, ever since. We have worked closely with organizations involved in the development of RDA, and RIMMF is described on the RDA Registry site, in the Tools section, as an “RDA data editor”. RIMMF development is funded solely by TMQ Inc.

What's different? Although RIMMF is free software, it is actively maintained. If you report a bug, we will fix it. If you have a question or make a suggestion, we will answer you. So don't be shy–use the Contact info (below) and let us know what's going on out there.

How you can try it

  • Click 'Download' in the sidebar on the left and follow instructions to install RIMMF
  • Click 'User Guide' in the sidebar for help on using it
  • Licensing? Click the Creative Commons icon in the bottom bar below
  • RIMMF is free, subject to the CC license, with no time limit, no annoying forms to fill out, no marketing surveys, no spam


Here are some details about using RIMMF


  • For questions about cataloging in RDA using RIMMF, etc.
  • For questions about the software, report a bug, suggest something, etc.
  • For anything else RIMMF-related

Send an email to richard or deborah at rimmf.com

See Also

Find out more about the makers of RIMMF at:

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